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25SOG01 Euro Trip 25

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Event Information

Euro Trip
Dates of Event
8th June 2025 – 13th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
15th April 2025


Euro Trip gives you the opportunity to explore and experience the transport systems of selected European countries (Netherlands & Belgium) along with visiting top tourist attractions.


This year, the Euro Trip is organised from Sunday, 8 June 2025-Friday 13 June 2025 (Both days included). The main highlights of the trip are as follows:


  1. Exploring Beamish Open Air Museum
  2. Ferry trip from New Castle to Amsterdam
  3. Exploring and experiencing transport systems in selected cities in the Netherlands and Belgium
  4. Briefings and talks to understand the transport system
  5. Visiting selected tourist attractions
  6. Boardgames, music and fun
  7. High-Speed Euro Star Train on the way back that passes through the tunnel under the English Channel


Attendee CategoryCost   
1st Payment£300.00[Read More]