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CPD Courses and Events

CPD Courses and Events


Chem4Energy Annual Conference 2025


Chem4Energy is pleased to announce the 2025 conference on ‘Materials and Processes for a Sustainable Energy Future’. 

The Chem4Energy community has grown out of a number of collaborative UK-Africa consortium programmes and 2025 will see the fourth in this series of annual meetings, which focus in particular on:

  • Highlighting the synergy between experiment and computation
  • Offering opportunities for early career researchers to disseminate their work in oral and poster presentations - often their first conference talk!
  • Allowing plenty of opportunity for discussion of the research presentations

The Chem4Energy conferences aim to bring together local academic and industrial researchers and developers from Namibia with colleagues from Europe, the USA and further afield, to discuss the latest developments in sustainable energy materials and processes, build new collaborations, and influence and support future directions in the field of sustainable energy research.  

Although contributions in all areas within the Chem4Energy remit are welcome, core themes of the 2025 meeting include:

•    Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for clean energy production; 
•    CO2 capture and utilisation;
•    Materials for solar energy devices;
•    Nuclear energy;
•    Hydrogen production, storage and transport;
•    High-performance computing in energy research.

Please read the 'More Info' section before completing your registration


Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Full Delegate£250.00[Read More]
2. Student£200.00[Read More]
3. Accompanying Person£50.00[Read More]
Computation for Applied Catalysis Workshop 2025

Computation for Applied Catalysis Workshop 2025


This workshop will bring together computational catalytic scientists working in different areas of catalytic science and using a range of techniques, with experimentalists working in materials characterisation and catalytic testing. It will provide a forum to review and discuss technical developments and experimental challenges. The aim of the meeting is to promote interactions and collaborations between both computational catalytic scientists and between computation and experiment.

The meeting will have 4 thematic sessions:

•    Catalysis for C1 Chemistry: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Methanol
•    Catalysis for Nitrogen Chemistry
•    Experimental Characterisation of Catalytic Materials, Catalytic Testing and Kinetics
•    Applications of Microporous Materials in Catalysis

Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration Fee£50.00[Read More]

Crystallisation Science and Engineering 2025


What will I learn?
This three day short course will outline the fundamental science and engineering of crystallisation processes. The programme embraces digital transformation and weaves together the best experimental and computational workflows. The course will include laboratory experimental sessions to demonstrate crystallisation processes, application of advanced process analytical technologies (PATs) and particle characterisation techniques. The delegates will also have first-hand opportunities to use crystallisation modelling software. The course will be delivered by leading academic and industrial experts in the field and will include case studies.

Course aims
Delegates will leave with core knowledge that they can use in their industrial work and a deeper understanding of crystallisation science and technology to assist in process development and scale-up of the manufacture of crystals for desired properties. The course will also give delegates the tools and a knowledge framework to be able to better support company project teams and engage experts where needed.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Registration£1150.00[Read More]

Industrial Air Pollution Monitoring 2025


What will I learn?
This course focuses on general management issues, including legislation, compliance with authorisation conditions, quality assurance and control. You’ll gain perspectives from all sides – regulators, industrial emitters and contract source testing organisations. You’ll also look at measurement and analytical techniques. Gaseous and particulate emissions will be covered and both extractive sampling and in situ methods will be discussed. Towards the end of the course there will be a workshop on calculation methods, something which is relevant to everyone involved in emissions monitoring.

How will I benefit?
Whether you’re new to the field or looking to update your knowledge, you’ll gain a broad overview of industrial air pollution monitoring. You’ll have the opportunity to meet equipment and services providers.

If you’re a stack tester requiring personal certification under the Environment Agency's MCERTS scheme, the sessions on Day One are particularly relevant to MCERTS level 2 (team leaders). Day Two is particularly relevant to MCERTS Technical Endorsements 1 (particles), 2 (trace species) and 3 (manual methods for gases). Sessions on Day Three are particularly relevant to MCERTS Technical Endorsement 4 (instrumental methods for gases).


Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Full three days£1150.00[Read More]
2. Any two days£850.00[Read More]
3. Any one day£470.00[Read More]

Project Leadership for Sustainable Futures 2025


New for 2025, the Project Leadership for Sustainable Futures short course is an opportunity for individuals who are looking to take on or expand their leadership responsibilities in projects to develop their understanding and skills on leadership, future making and governance with an underpinning of sustainability. In today’s project environment, it is essential that all individuals with leadership responsibilities – not just project leaders – broaden their expertise on how to lead complex projects whilst balancing tensions around sustainability, delivering outcomes and value as well as embracing new technological developments. 

Over a three-day period, the course will explore latest developments in project leadership such as collective leadership, the role of projects in future making, and governance considerations for sustainable project leadership.

The course has been developed by the Leeds Centre for Projects at the University of Leeds. The Leeds Centre for Projects is a globally leading centre of excellence advancing the knowledge in project management research and education and creating impact through engagement with industry, government and third sector organisations. The academic expertise behind the course is shaping the current discourse and underpinned by relevant industry experience.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Registeration£3500.00[Read More]