0725ACMC3 Advanced Choice ModellingInfo Location Contact More Info Event Information![]()
DescriptionThis three day course, run by the Choice Modelling Centre (CMC) at the University of Leeds, will provide delegates with in-depth insights into the estimation of advanced choice models. The course is a continuation of our annual winter course on ‘Choice modelling and stated choice survey design’ and assumes participants have the ability to estimate basic choice models, including the mixed logit model. Taught by experts from the University of Leeds, the course will consist of a mixture of lectures, computer practicals (using R), and detailed case studies. Bringing together expertise from fields as diverse as transport, health, marketing and environmental economics, the course will cover all the steps required for successful estimation of flexible Mixed Logit and hybrid choice models, the implementation and interpretation of the Expectations Maximisation algorithm and Bayesian estimation procedures, and an introduction to models of multiple and continuous choice.
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ContactStephane Hess More InformationAfter taking this course, participants will be able to estimate and contrast state-of-the-art models, understand the properties and recognise limitations of maximum likelihood estimation and use alternative estimation techniques best suited for their particular research question and dataset. By conducting hands-on exercises with open source software, participants will become familiar with the theories and models, which adds greatly to the learning experience. Please book early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited and the 2023 course sold out quickly.
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