When purchasing the handset you must enter a delivery address for the payment processing, even though you will be collecting the handset from the School of Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Office.
Detailed Description
In paying this deposit for the eVoting handset, you accept the following conditions:
Replacement handsets need to be purchased for £32 via this site if the original handsets are lost. This will be refunded if the original handset is re-located and returned to the Physics Undergraduate Office. eVoting handsets that are not working should be returned to the Physics Undergraduate Office for checking and replacement. Physics students are responsible for the upkeep of the eVoting handset (e.g. replacing batteries when necessary) and for the safe return of the handset. eVoting handsets remain the property of The University of Leeds and must be returned immediately to any member of staff on request. Any improper use of eVoting handsets in teaching sessions may result in disciplinary proceedings.