School of English Key DepositDescriptionDeposit of £10 per key. One entrance key plus one office key = £20. Obtaining your keys: To obtain access to the School of English (Houses 5 to 10 Cavendish Road) in the evenings and at weekends you will require an entrance key. New staff and any PGR students undertaking teaching will also require a key for their office. All key holders must have read and signed the School’s code of practice for lone working and working out of hours guide. This can be obtained from Pamela Rhodes when you collect your keys. School of English buildings are usually unlocked before 9am (usually between 8am-8.30am) and are locked at 5pm. If you are leaving the building out of hours, please ensure that the door is locked behind you to ensure the safety of anyone else working in the building.
Returning your keys: When you would like to return your keys and retrieve your deposit, please drop your keys into Pamela Rhodes in the Staff Office, who will contact the Finance Office to arrange for your deposit to be refunded. If Pamela Rhodes, is not available, please leave your key with another member of the School’s administrative team with your name and a request for this to be passed to Pamela Rhodes.