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1124CMC5 Choice Modelling & Stated Choice Survey

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Event Information

1124CMC5 Choice Modelling & Stated Choice Survey
Dates of Event
4th November 2024 – 8th November 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
28th October 2024


This five day course, run by the Choice Modelling Centre (CMC) at the University of Leeds, will provide delegates with an in-depth introduction to basic and advanced choice modelling and stated choice survey design.

Taught by experts from the University of Leeds and the University of Sydney Business School, the course will consist of a mixture of lectures, computer practicals (using R and Ngene), and detailed case studies. Bringing together expertise from fields as diverse as transport, health, marketing and environmental economics, the course will cover all the steps required for successful choice modelling analyses, from inception via survey design and data collection to modelling, analysis, interpretation and implementation.

Attendee CategoryCost   
2. Research Students£1450.00[Read More]
4. Full Time Academics£1700.00[Read More]
6. Full registration fee£2200.00[Read More]