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The Leeds Course in Clinical Nutrition 2024


Event Information

Dates of Event
4th September 2024 – 6th September 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
23rd August 2024


Delegates should book their place here via our secure online store (using debit or credit card.) Alternatively if you wish to pay via purchase order please request a manual registration form by emailing [email protected]

This course is specifically designed to provide a thorough grounding in all aspects of clinical nutrition and:

  • summarise national nutrition drivers to provide a foundation for the course

  • increase awareness of nutritional compromise and its consequences; give practical guidance on assessment of patients, and discuss particular patient groups (surgical patients, those with irritable bowel syndrome, renal disease, eating disorders and liver disease)

  • discuss practicalities of feeding in terms of ethics, different methods of feeding and understand more about different techniques to give artificial nutrition

  • establish principles of nutritional importance in extreme clinical situations (short bowel syndrome, refeeding syndrome, parenteral nutrition)


Attendee CategoryCost   
1. NHS/ Academic registration£595.00[Read More]
2. Standard/other fee£775.00[Read More]