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Chemical Plant Commissioning 2025

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Dates of Event
25th June 2025 – 27th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
24th June 2025


What will I learn?
This IChemE approved course deals with the commissioning and start-up of process plants both large and small. It covers many different aspects including the planning and managerial aspects of major plants, the start-up of small plants with an emphasis on the technical problems and also dealing with the documentation associated with commissioning.

How will I benefit?
You’ll benefit from the wide experiences of the course presenters, all of whom have been associated with start-ups themselves. There will be substantial emphasis on tutorial exercises in both commissioning and pre-commissioning.You’ll receive comprehensive course notes, which has been highly acclaimed by those attending previous courses.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Non IChemE Members fee£1580.00